Miles de chicas muestran su celulitis en Instagram

per Adolescentes, 11 de noviembre de 2016 a les 10:18 |

Cada vez hay más gente que se apunta al movimiento 'body positivity', mostrar el cuerpo tal y como es, sin retoques. Hay muchas mujeres, sin importar su peso y su edad, que tienen celulitis y no hay que avergonzarse o esconderse, es algo completamente normal. Pero muchas revistas y cuentas en las redes sociales nos muestran a chicas con la piel completamente lisa... Pero muchas veces estas imágenes están retocadas. 

Una de las primeras famosas en revindicar su cuerpo tal y como es ha sido la modelo Ashley Graham

Y con ella otras modelos como Denise Bidot: 

Y ahora se han sumado miles de chicas que aprovechan cada sábado para publicar fotos en Instagram con el hashtag #cellulitiesaturday para demostrar que tener celulitis es normal y que aman su cuerpo: 

Thanks to @omgkenzieee #cellulitesaturday became a thing. I ALWAYS had cellulite since I could remember.. and I have so much stretch marks and I know it's okay. And I honestly don't care about what negativity people think about my body .. It's so sad that there are people out one the world who are SO negative and mean to someone they don't even know and who try to spread positivity and help women. Kenzie is definitely an inspiration to all women and she shows how strong she is and doesn't let anything bother her or hold her down. She helps so so many girls to know it's okay to have cellulite OR whatever it is. However your body is that not everyone is perfect and you should be happy with yourself . Happiness is the BEST thing out there and if you aren't happy with yourself , then how do you ever move forward ? Just know ITS OKAY to have cellulite , stretch marks , birth marks , WHATEVER it is.. just be happy and work towards whatever goal you have for yourself.

Una foto publicada por Laysa🇧🇷🌴 (@laysanetofit) el


It's #CelluliteSaturday! A reminder that a) EVERYONE HAS CELLULITE b) it is NOTHING to be ashamed of and c) cellulite is not an indicator of health. Did you know that cellulite had actually never been mentioned until the 1960s by Vogue? Before then women had been rocking cellulite for YEARS and all of a sudden it became something to fix, something to be ashamed about. But it damn well isn't. It's yet another reminder of how so many companies benefit off our insecurities. Don't let them. Rock those ripples 💪🏼 For more body posi goodness, follow @iamleyahshanks and The Body Confidence Revolution on Facebook and Twitter. Surround yourself with positivity 🌟 📷: @darnelltemenu #inbetweenie #plusmodel #curvemodel #fashion #style #curves #bodyposi #bodypositivity #curvesrock #effyourbeautystandards #inbetweeniestyle #goldenconfidence #allbodiesaregoodbodies #celebratemysize #honormycurves #skorchmagazine #igers #instadaily #selflovebringsbeauty

Una foto publicada por Kitty (@kittyinpinkk) el


Love the skin you're in! - @notoriouslydapper #Repost from @deegetsstronger No filters, no edits, no sucking in, no nothing. Just smack dab in the middle of some good ol' "flaw" showing sunlight. Lighting can fully change how someone looks; and odds are, most of the women you know have had their pictures taken in lighting that hides their "flaws" the most, out of either insecurity or shame. But reality is, the vast majority of women have cellulite, scars or stretch marks on their bodies. It's in our biology, and it's simply how our bodies are meant to grow, slim down and store fat. Diet industries and public figures have caused such a stir about how our bodies "should" look like, that we've forgotten how to embrace ourselves as we naturally are. We've got our minds so rapped up into looking like one particular body, that we've lost conscious of how impossible it is for two bodies to be exactly alike. Our own damn bodies don't even look the same throughout the lengths of a day, yet we're still falling for a social ideal which simply cannot be met? To love yourself as you are, and move towards a better you, you have learn more about yourself and your body first. It takes time, and it takes strength, and you will have your downfalls, but I promise you, there is no greater feeling than embracing yourself for who you truly are💕 #cellulitesaturday

Una foto publicada por 👙EFF YOUR BEAUTY STANDARDS™👊🏼 (@effyourbeautystandards) el

COMENTA: ¿Qué opinas del tema? ¿Tienes celulitis, alguna vez te has sentido acomplejada por esto? ¡Deja tu comentario más abajo rellenando el formulario de comentarios!


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